31. Poprawa estetyki uśmiechu za pomocą licówek

Wykonano 4 licówki w celu poprawy koloru i kształtu zębów. Licówka jest doskonałym rozwiązaniem, gdy zależy nam na delikatnej korekcie zęba (kształt, kolor, mała zmiana ustawienia, zamknięcie trem). Czas leczenia - 1 tydzień.


105. Improvement of smile aesthetics


Crowns and veneers were made and perfectly tailored based on the Digital Smile Design (DSD) project. Cerec veneers and crowns with individual characterization allowed for precise color matching to the adjacent teeth.


102. Veener

The patient came for the correction of the shape of the upper right lateral incisor. The treatment began with teeth whitening, and a single veneer with minimally invasive preparation was made. To perfectly match the color and shape, individual characterization was applied to the patient.


92. Improvement of aesthetics with the use of veneers

The treatment began with teeth whitening. Four veneers were made with shape and color characterization.


86. Change of the teeth shape and color with the use of veeners

To begin with, the teeth were whitened using the Philips Zoom method. In the next stage, six CEREC veneers were made, designed using the digital smile creator DSDApp.

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