Endodontic treatment (root canal treatment) deals with diseases of the tooth pulp and often represents the last chance to preserve a natural tooth. It allows avoiding extraction (removal), which should always be the last resort. The benefits of a properly endodontically treated tooth are significant. They allow for long-term maintenance of one's own tooth in the oral cavity, as well as providing a solid base for a crown or bridge pillar. The essence of root canal treatment is the removal of diseased pulp from the chamber and root canals, mechanical widening and disinfection of the canals, and their tight filling with special materials. To ensure maximum patient comfort, painless experience, and effectiveness of the procedure, we perform it under local anesthesia.
In line with the global standard of endodontic treatment, our Clinic has been equipped with modern microscopes.
Root canal treatment, due to the complex interior of the tooth and root canals, and a small surgical field (1mm x 1mm), is one of the most challenging areas of dentistry, and properly performed root canal treatment rises to the rank of true art.
Inconveniences during endodontic treatment may turn out to be an atypical tooth structure, very narrow or obliterated canals, and curved roots. The treatment allows for the safe removal of old crown-root fillings and hard cement filling the root canal. The course of the procedure may be complicated by such complications as tool breakage, perforation, or overlooking additional canals. In all these cases, the use of a microscope makes the treatment extremely precise and more effective and durable than in the case of traditional methods. Microscopic diagnostics allows for the identification and initiation of appropriate treatment in the case of cracks and fractures of tooth tissues invisible to the naked eye.
Root canal treatment under a microscope, thanks to its accuracy (the procedure is performed at 20 - 30 times magnification), is characterized by safety and high efficiency. It is non-invasive and allows to avoid tooth extraction and the need to replace it with an implant or prosthetic bridge.
A specialist microscope in endodontic treatment is not everything...
Rubber dam - A special rubber placed on the treated tooth with a fixing clamp. In this way, it is possible to gain greater access to the interior of the tooth. This not only affects the quality of the procedure (reducing the risk of saliva inflow), but also enhances the patient's comfort (protection against harmful preparations or tools).
RVG/CBCT image - taken on site, for quick diagnosis, location of the source of pain, and assessment of the correctness of the treatment performed.
Endometer - a modern, electronic, precise device that helps to determine the length of the treated tooth canal with accuracy to the hundredth of a millimeter, while limiting the need to take several RVG images, and thus allows to shorten the visit time.
EndoMotor and machine tools - ensure proper widening and unblocking of root canals in the shortest possible time, and thus in most cases, the completion of treatment in one visit.
Liquid gutta-percha gun - guarantees precise and tight filling of root systems.
Abrasive sandblaster - allows for minimal loss of healthy tooth tissues with maximum efficiency; sand particles under pressure will reach every nook of the infected tooth, which is particularly important in the case of repeated root canal treatment and previously "drilled" teeth.
In our dental clinic in Poznan, we perform a range of painless procedures in the field of microscopic endodontics. The most common ones include:
The procedures are carried out in comfortable conditions, under local anesthesia. Thanks to the use of the latest technologies and materials, we are able to complete the treatment in most cases during a single visit.
In a broad simplification, a visit to the endodontist begins with local anesthesia and the removal of dental pulp from the canals and chamber of the tooth. Then - after analyzing the quantity, length, and course - the root canals are expanded, filled, and secured with a tight dressing.
The endodontist also informs the patient about the most optimal way to rebuild the tooth after root canal treatment (porcelain crown / composite reconstruction).
Modern dentistry offers root canal treatment in a way that completely eliminates any unpleasant sensations. Many patients even take a nap during the treatment!
Root canal treatment allows the elimination of an infection that destroys the tooth tissues and the bone around it. Thanks to this, the tooth can function in the oral cavity for many more years. The only alternative is to remove it and then replace it with an implant. However, if left without any intervention, it becomes a source of inflammation in our body.
The treatment is usually completed in one or two visits. In cases of severe inflammation, an additional - third visit may be necessary.
Microscopic root canal treatment allows for the highest precision and complete removal of inflammatory changes from the root canals, which allows the healing process to take place, and the tooth can continue to perform its function.
Below we present the price list for endodontic treatments performed at our clinic in Poznan.
Endodontic consultation 300 zł
Microscope-assisted root canal treatment 1 400 - 2 650 zł
Every root canal treatment in our Clinic is performed under a microscope, securing the surgical field with a rubber dam and using the latest machine tools, which guarantee the highest precision of treatment.
Root canal treatment of a single-canal tooth - microscope 1 400 zł
Treatment of a two-canal tooth - microscope 1 800 zł
Root canal treatment of a three-canal tooth - microscope 2 300 zł
Treatment of a four-canal tooth - microscope 2 650 zł
Treatment of an additional canal 480 zł
Retreatment of root canal under a microscope 1 700 - 2 950 zł
Retreatment requires significantly more effort from the doctor than initial treatment. Firstly, it is necessary to remove the old filling from the canal with the diameter of a pinhead, in such a way as not to damage the delicate tooth root, which will allow for precise further treatment.
Retreatment of root canal in a single-canal tooth - microscope 1 700 zł
Retreatment of a two-canal tooth - microscope 2 250 zł
Retreatment of a three-canal tooth - microscope 2 550 zł
Retreatment of a four-canal tooth - microscope 2 950 zł