Education and academic degrees

2015 - 2018
University Centre of Dentistry and Specialist Medicine, Bukowska Street in Poznan. Specialization in Dental Prosthetics.
2008 - 2013.
Dentist K. Marcinkowski Medical University in Poznan
Specialist in Dental Prosthetics Lodz
2013 - 2014.
Postgraduate Internship at NZOZ Centrodent in Poznan

Scientific publications

The Role of Patient Education in the Hygiene of Removable Dentures - Description of Advanced Cases (B. Scheffs, A. Marcinkowska, Prosthodontics 2018)
Difficulties in the use of titanium and its alloys in the manufacture of removable prosthetic restorations - literature review. Interests: prosthetic design, architecture, running (B. Scheffs, A. Marcinkowska, Modern Dental Technician, 2018)

Conferences and scientific trips

27 - 29.11.2020
Master Level: Plan and Bite- Occlusion and Dental Physiotherapy. Ł.Lassmann Gdansk
Daily conservative dentistry step by step.
Implant-prosthetic reconstructions free from complications. Wroclaw
18 - 19.12.2019
Occlusion in the diagnosis and treatment of functional and aesthetic disorders of the masticatory organ. J.Pietruski Bialystok
Implantation in the pro-arch concept - Dr. Sobczak Warsaw
01 - 05.2017
Implant Prosthetics Curriculum, College of Dental Medicine, Duda Clinic Katowice
09.2016 - 05.2017
Specialization courses include: Prosthetic treatment using veneers. Prosthetic treatment in difficult cases of edentulism using BPS. Implant prosthetics. Morphological-functional disorders of the stomatognathic system - diagnostics and treatment.
"Art of Composite" - Aesthetic composite without secrets. Poznan

Current reasearch being conducted

Comparative study of the application of full arch reconstruction technique using 4 and 6 implants and permanent restoration - 1,2,3,4,5 year observations
"Application of PEKTON material for full-arch restoration on implants"
Assessment of bone level in the case of immediate implantation with augmentation and without within the tooth socket.
Laser gingivoplasty with a template. Observation of the condition after plastic surgery with performed prosthetic works.
Predictability of treatment effects. DSD, mock up and comparison with the final result.
Comparison of treatment results using standard implantation, implantation with a healing screw, PMMA temporary crown, composite temporary crown.
Immediate Implantation using the "Socket Shield" technique - 3-year observations, PINK score at a 3-year interval
Comparison of indicators for assessing jaw width using computed tomography (CBCT) and intraoral scans (STL models).
Electronic foil vs traditional foil - how to use the Occlusense device or T scan.
Panto Monitoring - cyfrowe wsparcie radiologicznej diagnostyki stomatologicznej
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