Education and academic degrees

Dentist Karol Marcinkowski Medical University in Poznan

Conferences and scientific trips

24 - 28.03.2023
EndoWeek Nidzica
23 - 24.07.2022
Reconstruction and Direct Restorations - Practical Course. Nidzica
07 - 08.05.2022
Flow injection technique. Nidzica
23 - 24.10.2021
Aesthetic Composite Rehabilitation. - D.D.S. Dwid Pisuk Warsaw
July 18, 2021
Gradual grinding according to the Tomorrow Tooth concept and performing temporary and final works. Torun
10 - 12.06.2021
Surgery in daily dental practice - a practical guide. Unforeseen situations: prevent and react. - dent. Przemysław Stankowski, dr Igor Meissner
August 13, 2020
Tooth preparation for crowns and bridges. - Dr. Krystian Kris Owczarczak, MD Warsaw
February 29, 2020
Daily conservative dentistry - step by step lateral section. Poznan

Current reasearch being conducted

Panto Monitoring - cyfrowe wsparcie radiologicznej diagnostyki stomatologicznej
Skuteczność stomatologicznego oprogramowania AI w diagnozowaniu próchnicy: porównanie z wynikami badań stomatologicznych wykonanych przez lekarzy.
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